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Friday, April 15, 2011

Today is April 15th, 2011

I must take this site's virginity alas! I have been dieing to type a few words in my new blog I have to tell you. Writing is the best possible release of all time, it has been for ages and there is nothing else like it; I mean absolutely nothing like it. Life has been very exciting in its own secretive way. Life has a way of hiding things from me in which I subconsciously know the truth to, I assume that life just does this because we all have to figure things out for ourselves, because if we don't then it is very hard to grow or for our experiences to leave imprints on our soul's DNA. I find it amusing and at times frustrating that life is full of so many surprises, never ending puzzles of fun that we will absolutely never find out. There is no end to something that seems to have no beginning, which is almost everything if you ask me. I am extremely grateful to have what I do, I am in love with my life and I would change nothing, not even the hard times I've had growing up or the other ups and downs life has handed me, because without all of these moments I wouldn't be who I am now, and I wouldn't understand things the way I now do. My mindset is forever growing and blossoming as my spirit leads the way. My heart is my compass in this huge land of mystery that my intuition playfully unfolds the truth to, and my 6th sense constantly finishes puzzles while I'm out multitasking. Life is my playground and I intend to find a million ways to make use of each and every object in it. My spirit is free and my heart is full of love, I'll swim through the warm night skies with sparkle dust for the whole world to feel in the magic.
"To live is to love", love this quote with all my heart.

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